Documentaries are one of my favorite things to watch and create. The documentary feature is unique in that you get to tell a story over an expanded period of time. The creation of a documentary feature gives the editor time to dig deep into a subject and pull out the best story. It’s also a great time to collaborate with writers, directors, producers and other artists to tell the best story possible. Much broadcast television, reality and unscripted projects are another version of documentaries, often shaved town into smaller timeframes and tighter deadlines. But the end resualt is the same: compelling stories, on-time and on-budget.
Making Modern with Brooke and Brice.
I was fortunate to be asked by Red Arrow Industries to be one of the editors of Making Modern with Brooke and Brice for season 3 of this Magnolia Network show. The story follows a design and renovation couple as they dseign, demo and reno for a wide variety of clients on a wide variety of projects. This series was edited on Avid Media Composer with a team of four other editors over an eight episode season. While we all helped out on different episodes as needed we were each assigned two episiodes as our own. The season 3 trailer is below.
Russ Taff - I Still Believe
The story of Grammy and Dove award winning artist Russ Taff was a challenging story to tell. We had to balance a delicate story of abuse and alcoholism with love, redemption and, of course, music. This film combined new interviews and footage with still images, b-roll, archival material and (of course again) music.
Full Length Film (currently streaming on YouTube via a deal from CrownTV)
No Matter Where
No Matter Where was an important story to tell as it deals with healthcare in America. I was proud to edit something that could impact such a broken system. From the Amazon Video description: Hundreds of thousands die each year due to a lack of access to their medical records by doctors. "No Matter" where explores the complexities of development that have to be addressed, from technological challenges to new practices, that can lead to a safer world.
Show Me The Father
Show Me The Father was the first documentary produced by the Kendrick Brothers. I worked with director Rick Altizer as part of the editorial team for this theatrical documentary about Fatherhood.
Chonda Pierce concert/documentary films
Chonda Pierce is one of the most successful comedians working today. I was the editor of two of her films which blurs the lines between documentary and stand-up comedy show. Like most documentaries the material that makes up the films comes from a variety of sources that all most be built into a cohesive unit.
Chonda Pierce “Enough” - full lenght film
Chonda Pierce “Unashamed” - trailer